Steve Piercy - Web Site Builder Proposed changes to nav for Twitter Bootstrap compatibility
Aug 02, 2013; 01:32
Steve Piercy - Web Site Builder
Proposed changes to nav for Twitter Bootstrap compatibility
I'm working on improving the nav object rendering. The goals are:
* backward compatible * flexible * use Twitter Bootstrap as the primary example of markup
So far I have these items on my road map.
* When calling oncreate for nav, the optional parameter -ulclass='string' will store the value in the nav object. When renderhtml is called, the class will be inserted into the <ul> tag. * When calling the insert method on a nav, the optional parameter -liclass='string' will store the value in the nav object item. When renderhtml is called, the class will be inserted into the <li> tag for the item. * When calling the insert method on a nav, the optional parameter -tbdropdown=boolean will store the value in the nav object item. Default is false. When renderhtml is called and if true for the item, the class 'dropdown' will be inserted into the <li> tag, 'dropdown-toggle' will be inserted into the class attribute for the <a> tag, ' data-toggle="dropdown"' will be inserted into the <a> tag, and ' <span class="caret"></span>' will be appended to the label. * When calling oncreate for nav, the optional parameter -currentclasstags=array('li','a') will insert the class as defined by -currentclass into either the <li>, <a>, or both.
Ultimately the output would look like this, for example:
Comments on the road map are welcome, especially if you have already implemented these features in your Knop nav.
After I tackle nav, I might look into form and grid. nav seems to be the lowest hanging fruit.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Steve Piercy Web Site Builder Soquel, CA <> <>
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Aug 02
Rick Draper Re: Proposed changes to nav for Twitter Bootstrap compatibility
Aug 02, 2013; 08:37
Rick Draper
Re: Proposed changes to nav for Twitter Bootstrap compatibility
Aug 02
Steve Piercy - Web Site Builder Re: Proposed changes to nav for Twitter Bootstrap compatibility
Aug 02, 2013; 02:33
Steve Piercy - Web Site Builder
Re: Proposed changes to nav for Twitter Bootstrap compatibility
Aug 03
Johan Solve Re: Proposed changes to nav for Twitter Bootstrap compatibility
Aug 03, 2013; 15:56
Johan Solve
Re: Proposed changes to nav for Twitter Bootstrap compatibility
Aug 04
Steve Piercy - Web Site Builder Re: Proposed changes to nav for Twitter Bootstrap compatibility
Aug 04, 2013; 13:49
Steve Piercy - Web Site Builder
Re: Proposed changes to nav for Twitter Bootstrap compatibility
Aug 04
Steve Piercy - Web Site Builder Re: Proposed changes to nav for Twitter Bootstrap compatibility
Aug 04, 2013; 22:48
Steve Piercy - Web Site Builder
Re: Proposed changes to nav for Twitter Bootstrap compatibility
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